Saturday, 30 March 2013

Cant stop eating today.

Today I increased my workout by 20 minutes so I did 50 minutes today. I am finding easier to do I feel. Only trouble is Ive done nothing but eat today.


Today I have eaten 

1 bag of boil in the bag white rice, plus home made tomato sauce.
4 Veggie burgers
2 pieces of bacon (only the meat swirl) on 2 white finger rolls.
4 Weetabix with Koko milk. 
And Ive polished off the final bit of Swedish glace Neapolitan that I had left.

I don't know if its because Ive done more exercise but I just haven't felt full today.


I had a small break out of zits yesterday on my chin (again), cant figure it out. Why is it always your face that gets spots. Why cant it be your feet of the back of your legs lol

However everything else is doing well. My hidadenitis suppurativa is staying under control and no new lumps have developed lately. My left armpit is currently the worst (my right used to be the worst) however its under control at the moment, touches wood.

I have been using Cidal Soap for last month or so for full body and face wash I gave up everything else. At first I was doing ok, but my ears started to get a bit flaky. When I say ears, I mean the outer ear I don't mean in the inner ear, you shouldn't put soap in your ears. Anyway so today I went back on my Witch pore minimizing gel wash just for my face, I'll see how that goes. I think the Cidal might have been a bit too basic for my face, I don't know. All I can do is try.

Final Thoughts

Oh well there's still time for more eating he he. I do feel stuffed though, its been a naughty day. I must try to eat less tomorrow. I will repeat today's exercise routine though, another 50 minutes jigging around. This middle tire has to go.

Ahmed Strawberry Jelly Review

I got this from Asda the other day, it was 48p a packet.

Its the same set up as normal Jelly. You pour the crystals into a bowl or jug, add boiling water, stir till dissolved and wait. The instructions were on the inside of the box for some reason.

This contains no real fruit at all, its all false. The packet also warms of the additives might effect children. Well I was having this to myself I wasn't sharing it, but at least they warn you. You only get 400ml of Jelly so there isn't much to go around. But even with the additive warning at least I wasn't eating pork bits.

Well it looked like Jelly, it tasted like Jelly. I found that it was a bit more moist than Hartley's. It wasn't in a bad way, it just a different texture I guess, like slightly more slimy. Harltley's sticks to the bowl when you set it, with the Ahmed Jelly I would of been able to prize it all out of the bowl whilst holding its shape. Overall it was nice. They should sort out that additive part though, there's no need for that. They also could do with a sugar free variety.

Would I buy it again, yes I would.

Friday, 29 March 2013

Pork & Strawberry Jelly

Now I will admit I had no idea about this, it didn't even enter my head and I would never have guessed what the hell is gelatin made of.

On my mission of dieting and trying to lose weight its always good idea to read the ingredients, stating the obvious I know. I guess those that don't care about what they eat don't bother reading, I will of course put myself into that box as I never knew about this before. I never really checked anything before, I knew what I liked and ate things on that basis, not giving a flying fig as to what the hell its made of. That's how you get fat I guess. But as Ive started to pay more attention you find out things and to me this is actually quite disgusting. My simple Hartley's Strawberry jelly which I do love contains pork gelatin. How bizarre I thought until I questioned what is gelatin made of and what the hell does it have to do with a pig. Ive heard of pork and apple, but not strawberry and pork. Yes I understand its not got actual meat in it, but how weird. Until I read :-

Taken from Wikipedia
Food-grade gelatin is produced mainly from two raw materials, beef skin and pork hide.

I would never have guessed gelatin was made contained pork of all things and pork hide is that stuff we used to give our dogs to chew on that used to make it fart like hell and it smelled so bad.

I previously would of assumed my simple jelly contained all fruity goodness and nice things, and would never have guessed it had pork's arse in it.

Now as previously mentioned I do occasionally eat bacon (for now anyway) but not sure I like the idea of pork skin and strawberry. I don't know why Ive gone off meat, I went off chicken about 12 months ago as its boring, and Ive never been able to chew animal fat it makes me want to throw up. I haven't eaten an egg (as in fried, boiled etc) for about 2 years now. I know Ive had them in the odd cake Ive eaten, but I just don't like them anymore, I don't like the look of them.

Ohhhh pork arse and strawberry..... I think some things are best left unread lol

Update :

There is a halal jelly that's free from pork ears and arse, so I might try that next time. Marks And Spencer sell one that's ready made, but I want bulk jelly as it fulls you up and its cheap and I don't want to remortgage to have to buy it (marks is too expensive for poor people) so I'll try the halal jelly next time.

Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Good Hemp Review

In the search for milk alternatives, I came across this stuff. Its called Good Hemp....

I normally drink Koko milk, which is the best one of the lot, its nice on cereal and does ok in tea or coffee. I did try the soya milk and that stuff is not nice, its nothing like milk and has a weird nutty like taste, its odd and does not go well with cereal, it overpowers everything. I also tried rice milk, this is the most boring of the lot, it looks like the water you get left with when you cook boiled rice, cloudy and dull, but its not as bad as soya milk.

Although none of the alternatives available are like milk its always nice to try new things. So I bought this stuff, Good Hemp made by a company that employs people who have zero ability in the taste bud department.
The package seems impressive, stating Natural Healthy Hemp, full of Omega 3 and is an alternative to milk and soya. If only that were true. This stuff happens to be the most disgusting I mean disgusting thing I have ever tasted in my life. I didn't notice a smell, but my god the taste was something else. The first and only time I tried this stuff was when I actually tried mixing it with some strawberry Nesquik, I put 3 desert spoons of the powder into a pint glass and then half filled the glass with this Good Hemp as a treat. How wrong was I.

I'm changing the famous phrase A moment on the lips, a lifetime on the hips to A moment on the lips, might give you the shits.

I couldn't taste the strawberry at all, I couldn't even taste the sugar, it was like drinking raw stagnant sewage water. This is the worst of the worst. It would be fine if you were one of the people who have no taste buds at all, but any normal person wouldn't dream of drinking this voluntarily as it is absolutely vile. I don't know how they dare call it alternative to milk or even use the word milk on the package, its just wrong on so many levels.

Who in their right minds thought, mmm this is nice, lets sell it. I wouldn't give this to my worst enemy. ITS DISGUSTING and its clearly not fit for human consumption.

Never again. You have been warned.

My diet

Well as im trying to improve both my skin and my fat arse I have made some major changes recently.

My Skin

I recently read an article in the Daily Mail that basically said that Milk could cause acne. If I'm honest its an issue that neither the dermatologist I saw years ago nor any of my doctors has ever mentioned. All of them just shoved pills into my hand and said that will work, here you go, see you later. Diet has never really been mentioned over the years, so I thought sod it lets have a go.

So the day after I read that I stopped eating milky products of all kinds (oh I miss cheese), I also stopped drinking milk itself. I do look at the ingredients of everything I eat now and if it mentions anything to do with cows it doesn't go into my body. Sorry cows no offence. I don't eat eggs anyway nor do I eat much meat if I'm honest. I wont be eating beef anytime soon that's for sure and that has nothing to do with horse meat. I'm not a vegetarian or a vegan I just choose not to eat them. I will eat bacon occasionally and I eat lots and lots of tuna but I just don't eat much meat these days.

I didn't do much research into the milk and acne connection, I just did a quick google and found what others have said before really. I did read a few of the usual comments you would expect to see such as 'I drink milk and Ive never had spots' well good for you. I don't understand why people make comments like that, if you didn't have spots you wouldn't be looking for the answer to 'why do I have spots' would you.
From my understanding it appears to be the hormones they inject into the cows so they produce more milk that can cause acne. I am definitely no scientist and I can only comment on how my body reacts to any changes I do.

So...... I have been doing this for about a month now and there have been some changes. I still do get the odd tiny spot, mostly on my chin (if I haven't shaved) but I do generally think its having some effect. My skin does appear more clearer than before and a lot less blotchy. Its also no where near as bad in terms of spots as it was so that is a thumbs up from me.

Three days ago I also started to also take zinc tablets. I cannot remember where I read this, probably some news site. I got some 15mg zinc tablets from Superdrug and Ive been taking 2 of these a day, so 30mg total. Zinc apparently is a wonder drug especially for men, and it can also work at helping people with acne. It wasn't expensive and hey Ive tried everything else so I thought why not.

The other issue with all this acne and spots and diet also effects my hidradenitis suppurativa. As there is no cure for this at all, anything I can do to help this is a bonus so its all good.


Today I did my aerobic workout for 30 minutes, didn't really have much energy today for some reason but I still did it. Then after having a shower I felt a bit depressed for some reason. So a quick google suggested its either the toxins in my fat being released that have been stored up, or I need some food. I choose to eat, so I had some noodles and two pieces of bread.


Hi all

I have long had problems with my skin (be that spotty or blotchy) and my weight (not happy being a fatty) so this year was the final straw, something was going to change.

My Weight

10 years ago I was super skinny, but for whatever reason I let me go into and turned into a fatty. Last year I did try to lose weight and I did make some changes. I did manage to lose 3 stone (42 pounds) woohoo. I went from Extra Large to Large size clothes but my goal is to easily fit into medium sized clothes. I can fit into them until I sit down then my ripple of fat shows its ugly head. So I still have another 2 stone to go which is proving to be a bitch. Anyway that's that for now.

My Skin

My skin is my worst enemy. If it could chew me up and spit me out it would Im sure. Ive always had problems with spots and blotches and was never happy with it. I had terrible acne as a child and no matter what pills, lotions or potions I tried it nothing ever had long lasting effects.

I also have hidradenitis suppurativa which is an incurable skin disease, which will forever be a problem as long as I walk this earth no doubt, but anyway....

This year was the year I was going to do something about these two problems. My fat is going to vanish that I am determined to do. My skin is also going to improve no matter what.