Now I will admit I had no idea about this, it didn't even enter my head and I would never have guessed what the hell is gelatin made of.
On my mission of dieting and trying to lose weight its always good idea to read the ingredients, stating the obvious I know. I guess those that don't care about what they eat don't bother reading, I will of course put myself into that box as I never knew about this before. I never really checked anything before, I knew what I liked and ate things on that basis, not giving a flying fig as to what the hell its made of. That's how you get fat I guess. But as Ive started to pay more attention you find out things and to me this is actually quite disgusting. My simple Hartley's Strawberry jelly which I do love contains pork gelatin. How bizarre I thought until I questioned what is gelatin made of and what the hell does it have to do with a pig. Ive heard of pork and apple, but not strawberry and pork. Yes I understand its not got actual meat in it, but how weird. Until I read :-
Taken from Wikipedia
Food-grade gelatin is produced mainly from two raw materials, beef skin and pork hide.
I would never have guessed gelatin was made contained pork of all things and pork hide is that stuff we used to give our dogs to chew on that used to make it fart like hell and it smelled so bad.
I previously would of assumed my simple jelly contained all fruity goodness and nice things, and would never have guessed it had pork's arse in it.
Now as previously mentioned I do occasionally eat bacon (for now anyway) but not sure I like the idea of pork skin and strawberry. I don't know why Ive gone off meat, I went off chicken about 12 months ago as its boring, and Ive never been able to chew animal fat it makes me want to throw up. I haven't eaten an egg (as in fried, boiled etc) for about 2 years now. I know Ive had them in the odd cake Ive eaten, but I just don't like them anymore, I don't like the look of them.
Ohhhh pork arse and strawberry..... I think some things are best left unread lol
Update :
There is a halal jelly that's free from pork ears and arse, so I might try that next time. Marks And Spencer sell one that's ready made, but I want bulk jelly as it fulls you up and its cheap and I don't want to remortgage to have to buy it (marks is too expensive for poor people) so I'll try the halal jelly next time.
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