Wednesday, 27 March 2013


Hi all

I have long had problems with my skin (be that spotty or blotchy) and my weight (not happy being a fatty) so this year was the final straw, something was going to change.

My Weight

10 years ago I was super skinny, but for whatever reason I let me go into and turned into a fatty. Last year I did try to lose weight and I did make some changes. I did manage to lose 3 stone (42 pounds) woohoo. I went from Extra Large to Large size clothes but my goal is to easily fit into medium sized clothes. I can fit into them until I sit down then my ripple of fat shows its ugly head. So I still have another 2 stone to go which is proving to be a bitch. Anyway that's that for now.

My Skin

My skin is my worst enemy. If it could chew me up and spit me out it would Im sure. Ive always had problems with spots and blotches and was never happy with it. I had terrible acne as a child and no matter what pills, lotions or potions I tried it nothing ever had long lasting effects.

I also have hidradenitis suppurativa which is an incurable skin disease, which will forever be a problem as long as I walk this earth no doubt, but anyway....

This year was the year I was going to do something about these two problems. My fat is going to vanish that I am determined to do. My skin is also going to improve no matter what.

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